Thursday, October 25, 2007

October 25, 2007 - Accomplishments

Hello Everyone! Things are continuing to improve for Erik. We are enjoying watching him get better with time. On October 2, 2007 his Speech Therapist was working with him on taking some thickened liquids by mouth with a spoon. We suggested she try the cup because Erik has always loved drinking out of a cup. He opened his mouth when he saw it coming, he took a sip, and he swallowed immediately! He did all of the things he needed to do to successfully drink. It was awesome since we have not seen that in 18-24 months!!!!!! Erik also is rolling all over the place now. If we place him on the floor, he rolls and rolls, and rolls! This is unbelievable! He has to learn everything all over again and this is what makes all of these successes so important. The good thing about this accomplishment is that he is also changing his position during the night. We position him on his side and he wakes up on his back or even on his belly! He was waking up during the night and we are now thinking that maybe he was waking up because he wanted to re-position himself but couldn't. We would change his position and then he would sleep more. This was fine but still interrupted sleep. We are still trying to stabilize his seizures and are changing his medications. This is always tough and he has had some seizure activity. it is good to see that although this is a challenge, he is still motivated to do new things and show us what he can do. He is so proud once he does something too and this is awesome to see! The week of October 14th, we noticed that Erik was actually trying to keep something in his right hand. To date, his right hand has not been able to hold onto things. We placed something that he liked in his hand and when he felt/heard it slipping, we could see his fingers move in an attempt to not drop it! This was wonderful! Especially since we have been told that he may not be able to have full use of his right hand as a result of all that he has been through. We have continued to stretch, help him hold things, and not give up and it seems to be paying off! You may be like us wondering why all of this is happening in a matter of 2-3 weeks. We cannot say for sure but we are thinking that he is just feeling better now that the infection has cleared his body. He also may be at a place where he normally would be making progress for his age and is finally able to do new things because he is infection free. In case you want to join in with us, we are specifically praying for: - continued/consistent laughter and emotions for Erik (he shows us more of this daily!) - speech/communication to return - for his back to strengthen allowing him to sit on his own and eventually walk without assistance - subsiding of seizure activity. Thanks to all of you who continue to sincerely pray for Erik and us and know that God is answering our prayers. Love in Christ, Erik's Family

August 13, 2022 Erik's Geocache!

Hello everyone. Well, we are learning that the "grieving" process really never ends. We also know that this "process" ...