Tuesday, August 25, 2009

August 25, 2009 - Update on HBOT for Erik!

Hello All. Sorry it has been a while since I sent an update but we have been busy. Erik's seizure activity has increased and he actually had a Grand Mal seizure last Tuesday (August 18th) on the way home from treatment. He had a few small ones before this that we were able to manage well but this one required several hours at the hospital under observation before we were comfortable because it took a while to get it to stop. We are not sure what this means - or if it means anything at all. There are several possible explanations including that we hope there are changes taking place with his brain tissue. This could trigger seizures. Let's pray that this is what is happening! The family came for a visit this weekend which was great. Erik and Mom were int eh chamber but when he saw his siblings outside of the chamber, he lit up with excitement! Noone mentioned their names or anything . . . he jsut recognized them and responded! This was great to see! Please continue to pray for us as we come to mind. We are half way through treatment and are praying that the treatments are making positive changes and for him to not get to the point of any additional Grand Mal seizures. Thanks for the meals for the family, cards, and words of encouragement for us during this time. We feel well supported and remain positive that we are on the right track! Love in Christ, Erik's Family

Thursday, August 13, 2009

August 13, 2009 - HBOT is Going Well . . .

Hello Everyone! Well, things are moving right along for Erik. He had 1 treatment on Monday and Tuesday and then 2 treatments yesterday and today. All went well and we are learning things to do to help him with the pressure. It is like going to the mountains or flying in an airplane in that your ears close up. Erik will bite down on something or take a sip of water which releases pressure and so far, so good. The staff at the center is really nice and we have felt safe and comfortable in their hands. It has been a learning experience for us and one we hope to be able to share with many other families. Be sure to look at the photo we took today of Erik before his treatment. He is NOT in pain . . . he is actually quite the opposite in this photo! He was loudly vocalizing and engaged his whole body in the excitement (this is why his leg appears to be propped up!). Keep us in your prayers. The enemy continues to press on us as today Erik experienced a brief seizure before entering the chamber. He came out of it quickly and we proceeded with the treatment once he recovered. We continue to trust that this is the direction God has lead us and appreciate your continued prayers and support. Love in Christ, Erik's Family "Blessed are all those who put their trust in Him." Psalms 2:12 NKJV

August 13, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

August 7, 2009 - We made it to Charlotte!

Hello. We made it to Charlotte! The home we are staying in is absolutly BEAUTIFUL! It is in a nice neighborhood and is close to the center. We were greeted with smiling faces when we arrived and were shown around town, driven to the Charlotte Metro Hyperbarics Center, and just made to feel right at home! Erik seems comfortable here and he slept until 9:30 this morning! His regular wake up time is between 7 and 7:30. Today we had our consultation with the doctor at the clinic and learned alot about the therapy that Erik will be receiving. It is a nice place and is a clean,calm environment. The staff were friendly and knowledgeable and we continue to believe this is where God wants us to be. The doctor evaluated and examined Erik today and indicated that he appears to be a good candidate for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy. Erik will have his first treatment on Monday at 9am. He will be in the chamber for an hour each session. The chambers look reasonably comfortable and we continue to pray for this to be successful for Erik. Please lift us in prayer as we continue to move forward with treatment for Erik. Love in Christ, Erik's Family

August 13, 2022 Erik's Geocache!

Hello everyone. Well, we are learning that the "grieving" process really never ends. We also know that this "process" ...