Thursday, April 30, 2009

April 30, 2009 - We just keep moving forward!

Hello all! I am happy to say that things are going well for us in the Medlin household. Since the last posting, we have enjoyed a long weekend at Holden Beach, NC; Erik has participated in the local Horse and Buddy Program and Special Olympics; and we enjoyed a long weekend at Busch Gardens! WHEW! It has been a year since our Make-A-Wish trip and the Busch Gardens trip was the last benefit from this program for our family. Maybe all of this activity explains the time between postings! Things are going well for Mr. Erik. He continues to progress at school and appears to be getting stronger with each passing day. We still have a few seizure episodes now and then but until he is completely healed, this is to be expected. His growth also has an impact on his seizure activity/medication levels. Erik will begin receiving speech and assistive technology services at school in the ear future. He also should begin receiving speech/feeding services at home soon. We have been waiting for quite a while for these services and have noticed Erik making several different sounds lately that we want to help him develop further! I have posted some recent photos here for you to enjoy. Notice Mr Erik standing . . . this is something the doctors said would be challenging for him! Keep us in your prayers . . . Love in Christ, Erik's Family

August 13, 2022 Erik's Geocache!

Hello everyone. Well, we are learning that the "grieving" process really never ends. We also know that this "process" ...