Thursday, September 7, 2006

September 7, 2006 - Each day gets better...

Hello everyone! Hope this email finds all of our friends and family well! We are doing fine here. We want to update everyone before the weekend. Erik is doing great! He is really getting back to his usual smiling self these days and the infection seems to be responding to the medications he is receiving. He is having a broviac placement (like the one he had before) procedure tomorrow morning because the medications he is on are so strong that a regular IV is just not the solution. They tend to need to be replaced every 24-36 hours because the medications are so strong. We hope to have this taken out as quickly as possible once it is not needed/the infection is gone. This way we pray that we will avoid future infections or problems. We also are pleased to let you know that the doctors are watching Erik's cranial pressure since the shunt has been removed and so far, he appears to be doing okay without it. What this means is that there may be a possibility that Erik does not need the shunt anymore since the AVM has been taken out. We will pray about this and that we make the right decisions that will keep him safe and comfortable. It will be another miracle if he does not need it anymore! Thanks for all of the calls, acts of kindness, meals and cards/notes we have received this week and through this last, very trying hospital stay. We believe we are close to the end and that feels great! We could not have made it without all of your prayers and support. Love in Christ, Erik's Family

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August 13, 2022 Erik's Geocache!

Hello everyone. Well, we are learning that the "grieving" process really never ends. We also know that this "process" ...