Friday, July 29, 2011

July 29, 2011 - Erik's Rights . . .

Hello Everyone! It has been a while since we posted but that just gives us more to share! Erik had a great year at school. He became more and more alert and engaged in the classroom and even was administered end of grade testing. He did well. He is making choices and wanting to stand more (with support) which is great. Teachers also shared that Erik became more appropriately engaged by listening to questions asked, waiting for others to respond, and vocalizing when the teacher called on him (instead of when others were asked t respond). He was fairly consistent which is great to know. We also have changed the agency that provides nursing care for Erik as well as multiple changes with therapists. Erik now not only receives physical therapy but also speech and feeding at home as well. There are adjustments with getting to know everyone but so far all is going well. Thank you for your prayers that we would find therapists to work with Erik and please continue to pray for progress in all areas. Now for the BIG news . . . On July 17th Erik surprised us ALL! While enjoying a snack and we noticed him raising and using his right arm! It was unexpected and extremely exciting! We watched him for a while and even recorded a video. We were capturing the moment with the video so it is really dark and hard to see but his right side is toward the camera and you can see him moving his arm/hand all the way up to his mouth! Even his right leg is moving! Before this he would extend it some and move it a little when excited but moving it to his mouth and out repeatedly is truly God's work! Here is the video link which seems easier to see when the screen is small. You may have to copy the link below and paste in your internet browser to view. Please keep up the prayers as this progression is truly God's work. In fact, it has created many opportunities for us to share our faith through sharing Erik's progress which is a welcomed opportunity. It would typically take months of focused therapy to see Erik voluntarily move his right side like this. We saw this literally overnight. Erik's nurses and therapists immediately commented on the change too. This for us was another moment where we stopped and said, "Wait God . . . this is not even what we are praying for right now but thanks so much!" Truly God's timing is perfect! Enjoy your summer! Love in Christ, Erik's Family

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August 13, 2022 Erik's Geocache!

Hello everyone. Well, we are learning that the "grieving" process really never ends. We also know that this "process" ...